Henry & Brenda Fehr, based in Canada, and are two people who love horses and try to save them from being slaughtered. The horses within their private horse rescue - Dare 2 Dream Rescue, based in Alberta - have all been saved from this fate.
Between them they have over 6 decades of experience caring for horses, including having raised and shown purebred Appaloosas. Horses have always been a big part of their lives.
In addition to raising and training horses, ‘youth ministry’ is also a big part of their lives and their farm in Alberta, Canada has always been full of young people wanting to work with the animals.
“We decided to put the two together and now teach young people how to work with horses, including basic horse care, riding skills and training. Our ultimate end goal is that each young person will be able to ride the horse they have helped to train. It is a wonderful experience for both the horse and rider. Our goal is not only to save horses from slaughter, but also to create a place where people can be proud of their accomplishments and build self esteem.” - Brenda Fehr, Founder.
Horses that come into their care have a variety of long term health conditions; lameness caused by being mistreated and not care for; hoof problems, ligament and tendon issues, laminitis, Cushing's, navicular, equine arthritis and much more. Managing the horses recovery and getting them back to feeling happy again is a never ending and ongoing task.
EQU StreamZ Horse Bands were donated to Dare 2 Dream Rescue; with the intention of supporting their rescued horses. After a few weeks they kindly updated us on the impact StreamZ Technology had made on individual horses.
The following feedback was provided by Brenda at Dare 2 Dream Rescue:
"Firstly, please say hello to Olivia. She has laminitis in all four feet plus she injured her suspensory ligament in one front leg. After a lot of hard work, we do have her 98% sound now, but we still could see that she was a bit sore. She was donated a pair of bands to aid her recovery. The EQU StreamZ bands have made a huge difference for her! Since she started wearing her bands, we don't see any tenderness at all, she walks, trots and lopes just fine. She feels so much better that we've even started riding her again!"

"Next is Sierra. She started showing signs of equine arthritis in both her front knees. The bands have made her much more comfortable and she doesn't seem to be in any pain since wearing the bands. Because of the bands we don't have to put her on any kind of pain medication now, this is a substantial ‘win’ for us!"

"Then we have Scarlet who has always had hoof issues since being with us. She developed white line disease in both her front feet as a very young horse, plus both her feet abscessed a few times and the sole of one foot actually came off! Many vet visits, medications and trimming from our amazing farrier saved her life, but she's never been totally sound due to muscle damage from compensating due to all the issues. We put the EQU StreamZ bands on her and she seems to be much more comfortable since. She still limps a bit, but much less since I put the bands on her."

"Next we have Sugar. She has navicular in both her front feet and as far as we can tell she has had it for many years. We administered special medications under instruction from the vet and her feet are trimmed a bit different than normal, but we still saw that she wasn't comfortable. With the bands on, she doesn't seems to be shifting from one foot to the other, which indicates to us she's in less pain. They've made a huge difference for her!"

"And Finally we gave some bands to Tori. She is a rescue, but has an owner and is boarded here with us. She started walking on the outside of one front foot and showing lameness, and x-rays showed she also has navicular. We do have her on medication but I put the bands on her as I know they made a difference for Sugar. We're seeing a change in how she walks, so I know that her pain levels have reduced since I put on the bands."

"Thank you so much again for the donation of bands, they are making such a difference to the comfort level of the horses and we highly recommend the technology." - Brenda Fehr, Founder.
Donations for Dare 2 Dream
We would like to take this opportunity to share Dare 2 Dreams donation page. As a self-funded private horse rescue they rely on donations and support. Every bit helps.